![]() Social outbreak in Paraguay: president González Machi alerted by informant friend on outbreak in Incarnation city. They initiate investigation in great scale by Yacyretá corruption, does not discard meeting with investigators of the Argentine Senate by washing.
![]() Counterintelligence: Menemista involved customs head in building from inside the Federal administration of Public Income AFIP, sends to hunting of witches against informants and the press to neutralize investigation by swindles to the state treasury. Thousands of files to condemn small evasores, now informants and the press and do not investigate the great ones negotiated.
![]() Swindles to the state treasury: in Clorinda they hid files by 1.5 million. Bicycles with restores of export. It burns of files to the forgetfulness. Illegal kidnapped merchandise donations. In Posadas city bloodhounds AFIP to the head fell to Frias chief and judge until the containers that happen. Ex chief AFIP Silvani, ex governor Puerta and the distribution of 5 million drained to Paper Missionary Enterprise
![]() Losada: personnel of its surroundings continues perceiving pay of the Senate, after " a fraud near the 70,000 dollars" the social work of Chemistries in which he was himself involved. The money of campaign in the pocket of few.
![]() Students of Posadas city: grouping 13 of Julio suborn to the APES president. Of students party to political business.
![]() Crimes in border: a memo was known high Paraguayan sources that puts powerful groups in the open narcotics traffickers, smugglers and thieves of cars
![]() Losada: nonauthorized biography of a man with luck
![]() Survey of image : And... what do you wont that says to you, by 15 thousand dollars?
![]() EMSA: it uses his black box to buy secondary students. Posadas Hig School Students Association like political business
![]() Swindle to the state treasury with mate-grass woods; the producers ask themselves who controls, while industralists of building puertista swindle to the state treasury with mate-grass woods and buy half which they need paying to vile price
![]() Bankrupt: the business of the moment They appear documents that were not burned with the communal building which they involve to Fragueiro and building wasmosyst
![]() Yacyretá: more documents were known on press bought by the EBY
![]() The EBY paid 1.2 million to the Pirá Pytá Rowing Club by four constructions - not the land - that are worth $ 117,000 Politicians and Argentine civil employees involved
![]() Swindle to the state treasury: the bankruptcy of the Territory Jornal was transformed into aid with the disappearance of 3 million debt reduced by ex governor Puerta, in association with fiscal agents.
![]() Aero comander 680 case : the airplane that ET mentions as pertaining to " a well-known businessman of the capital " was of the manager of Inns Refreshments and has to do with the fraudulent bankruptcy.
![]() Fiscal agents became rich: while the DGI every time collects less and the economy becomes paralyzed. Judge Casals put brake to the abuse.
![]() Policy and businesses: How they finance the policy industralists who also obtain with subsidized gasolines
![]() Pact from Iporá: Puerta and Losada make sure the Senate without dispute. Gloria Llamosas is not rival for Mercedes Oviedo since Losada is satisfied to retiring.
![]() Illicit associations swindle to the state treasury: all of holding menemista, with cigarettes and gasolines also subsidized.
![]() Party of the teller of the illicit association that swindles with Derby cigarettes
![]() Swindle with gasolines controlled by minister Brizuela (with secret documents)
![]() How they swindled 15 million to the state treasury with the bankrupcy of the Territory Journal and Posadas Refreshments
![]() Menemista Lawyer transacted bankruptcies of companies of Buenos Aires with fiscal address in Posadas.
![]() Cars for incapacitated: two automotive agencies swindled to state treasury $ 600,000 with 40 Montero 4x4, governmental clients.
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Publishing: Policy of provincial families In South America
Like in other many Latin American provinces, the policy is thing of caudillos and its families, who once in the power, conserve for their surroundings all the privileges and opportunities of personal enrichment that offers the state party them, while they are able that the town them of his vote like table of salvation; until it is allowed that they rob, but that does something. Inheritance of medieval Spain, when infamous governed that straight of pernada, these new rich ones of two by four create to acquire a nobleness title with the policy, when elevating the economic status of their families to coast of the suffering of the others, ignoring the rules that once made the empires great. For appointment it is worth Cicero: " he is only rich who can maintain a legion ", or are 10,000 people, thing that our politicians are far from doing. On the contrary, they live on that legion that agrees with the Devil allowing which they rob in exchange for alms. Those rich ones assumed the destiny of governed his and these only decoy to those who gave the vote him freeing them to the luck which they agreed. QUOUSQUE TANDEM CATILINA ABUTIATIO PATIENTIAM NOSTRAM (of Cicero in the Outbursts of criticism: even when Catilina abuse our patience)
![]() ![]() ![]() The mourning of being able of the Puerta's robbery revolution / the censorship masked in the legality /
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![]() ¿ Create necessary a spare part of politicians and ideas in Missions ?
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![]() Previous holders whose material is in this E-zine
![]() Crimes with political moving body: One of the defendant of the Iriarte case became broken, fears for its life and would be about to to do; during the oral judgment, important revelations that involve Puerta. Su costory the Galeano case: the homicida supposed were the last words that her victim listened to, but God arranged another thing. The political moving body is confirmed.
Law on Education: two deputies, candidates of the Alliance in the next selections, plagiarized a project made by UDPM. Documented.
Economic groups that manipulate to the press: The Irrazabal intendant obtained that the journalist Alfredo Abrazian goes to the jail; impossible without the necessary complicity of addict Justice.
Garabito, that to the front of the Direction of Work made its house and the one of Schiavoni councilman with plans Work, was put by building puertista director of LT4.
Several independent means journalists perceive salaries like governmental advisers.
Black box of EMSA to finance to the addict press and to manipulate campaigns.
EMSA: the union silenced to several means of press and it cut to the telephone to his employee Osorio to him. They cannot explain the cost of the electricity nor why 2.7 million to Camesa pay when the province is supplied by Urugua-í
How the candidacy of Puerta operates from the Territory Journal, buy means and journalists and obtain bottoms through the electrical invoicing
Resources for the political campaigns: Chichín Aquino, candidate to deputy, accumulates boxes of nourishing social programs for its campaign.
The actuary Gauto, director of the RPI, before associated to the embezzlement of the IPS, shows in obscene form misapplied wealth that help to wash for a political group in search of bottoms for campaigns.
Guanterojo campaigned to Puerta with five Toyota 4x4 originating of swindles to the insurers, in exchange for the promise to release it in a penal cause that promoted ex- judge to him of Ituzaingó
Yacyretá: How company BMW (Bush, Menem, Wasmosy) in the last became booty of 1,500 million of the menemismo. How one robs in the EBY with 135 extracted tests of judicial files in proceeding. Several processings. The Yacyretá impact in Inns, at the time of assuming Of the Rua. specialized Report. Exclusive
There are two secret decrees of Menem that implement sustracción of assets of the EBY
Washed: single armoring happens to the Sudameris with safekeeping, after the denunciation of washing of Page 12 that involves to Ramón Puerta and the Macro Bank. The operating one.
Conduct narcotics detective: another obscene exhibitionist of wealth in Alem, a tacalero with house of 1 million that travels in Learjet while by producers they hope to live on the FET. I fight
Viana has a house in Paris with money of contracts of Samsa and her wife combs Tuesday and Saturdays in Federal Capital, with passages of the Congress
Drug: municipal civil employee implied in the white and operative police officer on automobile that turned out to be from the commune and was there. Door tries to neutralize to Page 12 whose journalists involve in the drug trafficking and washing in Missions
Businesses: Puerta bought a pig refrigerator in Buenos Aires county, by 48 million and mayor Irrazabal horses and a ranch in Cordova
Accuse Irrazabal to receive U$S 800,000 to renew contracts of urban lines of transport.
Progressive Justice in Missions: Judge of Peace Rosana Palombo, candidate to the Jury by serious irregularities verified by the Court, continues confirming the swindle, doing to be worth users credits in judgments promoted by audacious swindlers of the commerce from Posadas with antecedents in Iguazú.